Monday, August 10, 2009

commencement: the time at which something is supposed to begin

This is what happens when I see a movie. I get suckered into thinking I can emulate the characters. I go searching for "one ring to rule them all". Or I devise a way to steal from the Bellagio in Las Vegas. Or I look into assembling a bobsled team. If Jamaica can have a bobsled team so can I!

Of all my inspirations this latest might be the only one within reach. (Although it's still too early to dismiss the bobsled Olympic dream. If you see me sledding down I45 don't be alarmed. Don't sneer-just cheer.

So on the heels of seeing Julie & Julia I start a blog.

Not my first time blogging but I am hoping this will stick. Wouldn't you rather me be recording the meanderings of my mind than pulling off the biggest casino heist with George and Brad?

May this be something more than an egocentric journal. More of a plate to catch the hopes of someone striving to live a life of consequence.


  1. welcome to the blogosphere, Allison! Looking forward to reading your musings!
    (did you like the movie - I haven't seen it yet, but enjoyed the book)

  2. Love it - and I do believe you can start a bobsledding team - can I be on there too??? So fun..I'll even start growing my dreadlocks, k? REALLY looking forward to hearing your thoughts on here...I can only imagine....

  3. You ARE living a life of consequence. Keep on blogging about it!
